Information on traffic conditions in South Tyrol
DB-ÖBB EuroCity
Also the DB-ÖBB EuroCity from the German and the Austrian Railways offer trains to reach South Tyrol from Venezia, Bologna, Milano, Brescia, Desenzano, Peschiera, Verona, Rovereto and Trento.
Find information: and (only in Italian or German).
Your bus connection from Germany (Stuttgart - Ulm - Fernpass - Landeck - Lago di Resia - Merano).
More information at the tourist office
Booking: Company Klopfer Südtirol – Tours, Winnenden (D),
Meraner Land Express
Your bus connection from Germany - Munich
Booking: At the Tourist Office.
South Tyrol-Express
Your bus connection from Switzerland.
Booking: Firma Südtirol Express, Egnach (CH)